Monday, August 10, 2009

Get Your MOJO On!!

Hello Cooks,

Have had a bit of a delay in blogging but....I'm Baaaaccckkk!!!

So, I have been doing a lot of cooking at home and my favorite marinade, that I don't make myself, is Goya Mojo Criollo.
It has a citrus, lime, cumin and garlic flavor and I love it. I use it all of the time for chicken, beef (Flank Steak, London Broil and Skirt Steak) and pork.

Just put marinade, you don't need too much as it is very flavorful, into ZipLoc bag with meat and put in fridge overnight. You can grill or roast and the flavors are amazing.

Waste not time...try it today.

You can find this in the "International Foods" aisle at your local grocery store.
It comes in a bottle, same size as a wine bottle. Try must!!!!