Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Countdown Checklist

The day is drawing near, time to write a checklist and get this train moving!
These are some general chores that I do to get ready to cook my Thanksgiving meal. Hope they help!


**If you are reading this on Tues. evening, and you still have last minute items to buy for cooking day tomorrow, GO NOW!! The stores are not as crowded and you will then save time tomorrow for cooking.

-Brine turkey
-Make stock with giblets for gravy and stuffing.
-Buy last minute items, for me it will be the fruit for the fruit tray.
-Pull china and silver and glassware to be cleaned, if necessary.
-Iron tablecloth and napkins, in necessary
-Make cranberry sauce
-Chop celery and onion and any other ingredients for stuffing and put in zip lock bag.
-Have a glass of are ahead of the game.


-Take turkey out of brine and dry off. Put in fridge if cooking Thursday.
-Break down turkey, if not cooking whole, into whole breast and leg and thigh. Keep leg and thigh attached. This is the same as doing it to a chicken..bigger but the same principle. Don't be timid, you can do it. This will cut cooking time, if you are not putting whole turkey on table.
-Get turkey in oven.
-Make stuffing.
-Make Mac and Cheese
-Make Gravy
-Slice cooled, cooked turkey.
-Make Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash Mash
-Make fruit platter.
-Put any relishes, cole slaw, pickles, celery, bowls, wrap and put in fridge.
-Set the table
-Have a glass of wine! You are ready for Thursday.

I am not serving the turkey whole on Thursday so I cook and slice on Wednesday evening and re-heat on Thursday with some turkey or chicken stock to re-moisten.
Cooking the bird without the legs cuts down cooking time and helps ensure moist meat.

Making the starch items a day ahead also saves time but more importantly, stove space. The only thing I would make on Thursday is fresh mashed potatoes. But, that is just me. It is perfectly alright to make them Wed. evening too.

***Remember to take the heavy starch items out of fridge Thursday morning to re-heat. If they go from fridge to oven, they will take longer to cook and cool down the temperature in the oven and then you're really screwed. One to two hours before they are to go into the oven is just fine.

If you don't have space to keep the fruit cool, peel and seed as much as you can so tomorrow, you can slice and make the platter and set on the table or sideboard.


-Preheat oven (s)
-Get turkey in oven if roasting whole
-Pull starches from fridge
-Set table if it's not done yet!!
-Slice turkey if applicable
-Get gravy in pan to heat, put a lid on it and turn it on when it's time, you're ready.
-Pull turkey and an other items to be heated from fridge.
-Make mashed potatoes.

Thursday is hopefully a relaxing day for you as most of the heavy cooking is done. Now, stove and oven management become the key! The turkey should be the last thing in the oven to be re-heated. Get your stuffing and bean casserole, etc.. in oven. They will stay warm on top of the stove, wrapped with foil. Then the sweet potatoes, mashed (if not fresh) and vegetables.
Then the sliced turkey.

*** Don't be afraid to put things in the microwave!!! If stove and oven space is limited, put the stuffing in the microwave, heat and cover. Same with the sweet or mashed potatoes, whatever else will help. Don't make yourself crazy cramming stuff in the oven, one night won't be the end of the world. If it is the difference between cold stuffing or potatoes, use it!!!!

I am certain I have missed a few things....
Keep checking back for updates and Happy Cooking! Have fun.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thanksgiving Side Dish

Here is a recipe I have made many times, a great alternative to sweet potato and marshmallow casserole!!!

Roasted Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash Mash

Preheat oven to 350 (this is a slow roast)

Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Butter (softened)
Milk/1/2/Heavy Cream (depends on how rich you want the mash to be)

Lightly rub whole Sweet Potatoes with oil, canola is fine, and put on foil lined cookie sheet (easy clean up) in oven.

Cut Butternut Squash in 1/2, remove seeds, rub with butter over cut side and place cut side up on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with S&P, cinnamon, nutmeg and put on foil lined cookie sheet in oven.

Roast both until a knife can be inserted, cleanly and with no resistance. (approx 45 mins. depending on size)

These will be hot to handle, so use a dish towel, but you want to scoop both while they are warm so you can make the mash.
Cut Sweet Potatoes in 1/2 and scoop in bowl, do the same with Butternut Squash.
Add milk or cream or 1/2 and 1/2, or a combo of milk and cream and butter. Mash as you would potatoes, these will have a bit of chunk to them because they are both a bit more fibrous than a regular potato, adding more cinnamon and nutmeg to desired taste.

At the very end, add a slow stream of honey to add the extra sweetness, along with the creaminess of the cream and butter. Add S&P to taste.

These can be done ahead of time and re-baked in the oven with foil over top or in the microwave or in a pot on top of the stove.

The combination of the roasted root vegetable, sweetness of the honey and the "flavors of the season" with the cinnamon and nutmeg make these a great addition to Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thanksgiving Menu and Prep List..Mission Possible!

There is no way around it people..that time of year when the "Oh My Goshy, I have to cook Thanksgiving Dinner" deer in the headlights moment descends upon you!

Fear not, I'll save you!!! Or do my darnedest to try and help you put things in order to have a stress free and enjoyable day.

This is the way I go about tackling a "job" and don't kid yourselves, cooking for a lot of people, family or not, is a catering job!

Step 1: Plan your menu.

Step 2: Decide which items on that menu you want to make and which you can farm out to guests who want to contribute.

Step 3: Write prep list and grocery list.

Step 4: Start picking up items in grocery store now, that are on sale, that can be stored and used as the day approaches.

Step 5: Get an idea in your head how much oven space you will have and decide which items can be made the day before and what needs to be done on Thanksgiving Day.

Step 6: Be calm, have a glass of wine, read a are 3 weeks away from Thanksgiving and you are already ahead of the game!!!

The following is a sample menu of a Thanksgiving Dinner that many of us make, every year. I will follow the steps and give you an idea how this whole thing works!!!

Step 1:

MENU: (This is for 12-15 guests, adjust as number of guests go up or down)
Roast Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potato Casserole

Mac and Cheese (ok, my Mom never made mac and cheese for T-Giving, but kids are different now and if you want the little darlings to eat at all...make it!)

Green Bean Casserole
Cole Slaw
Cranberry Sauce

Depending on your family traditions, the menu will vary, but these are the basics that I will be serving at the Stretch's Thanksgiving Dinner this year.


Dishing out the duties...
If you make the best green bean casserole ever and Aunt Kate makes the sweet potatoes like nobody else can..let Aunt Kate make the Sweet Potatoes. It will save you time and oven space. She arrives on T-giving Day and the potatoes are warm and ready to go. You save yourself time, Aunt Kate has helped and everybody goes to the table happy!
If there are guests who don't cook, let them bring the Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce (is there really anything better??? Really?) and the coleslaw. These items are easily found in a grocery store and then everyone "gets a trophy" because they feel they have contributed.

There is no reason to make yourself crazy by being Super Cook and doing everything yourself. I have found, in my experience, that people want to contribute, love it when they are told what to bring in advance and it takes time and pressure off of you to be able to enjoy the day.


The following is my grocery list for the menu, some of these items can be purchased in advance, some you will purchase as the day gets closer.

-Turkey (20 to 24 pounds) ** if using a fresh is the time to order it.
-Fresh Sage
-Chicken Broth
-Bread Mix for Stuffing (if you make your own bread mix, start drying now to be ready in a few weeks, it won't hurt it)
-Sausage *if you like sausage in your stuffing, you don't have to!!
-Yukon Gold, White or Large Red Potatoes for Mashed Potatoes
-Sweet Potatoes
-Brown Sugar
-Mild Cheddar and Yellow Mild Cheddar Cheese
-Frozen, Canned or Fresh Corn (if you can find decent fresh corn, shuck it, cut it off the cob and cook it, whatever!)
-Green Beans, fresh or frozen, depends on what you are more comfortable using
-Cream of Mushroom Soup (the way Mom used to make)
-French's Frizzled Onions
-Soy Sauce
-Cole Slaw
-Cranberry Sauce (if you are using the canned variety...mmm Ocean Spray Cranberry Jelly)
-Pies, Cookies or the things you need to make them which is so far out of my league..I will leave it to you!)

Now, the list is done, the menu is done..what you are going to make and what you farmed out to others is decided.
If you are not doing sweet potatoes or the green beans, put a check mark on your list with the name of the provider, and remind them a week before that they are "on your list, don't forget!"

This is the time, when you are out shopping for your regular life, to start picking up items to store until the cooking fiesta begins!!!
Many stores have sales on the popular Thanksgiving items now. If you have a big enough freezer and can store a turkey, by all means get it now!!! The prices will go up as the day gets closer, it is the biggest item on your menu and it will keep your stress level low, knowing you are a step ahead of the masses!

You will need chicken broth for the gravy, buy it now! Cranberry sauce, butter, the marshmallows for the sweet get the idea.

To not have to go to the grocery store for a million things 3 days before Thanksgiving is worth its weight in gold!!!!

Heck, you can make the Mac and Cheese now and put it in the freezer...check it off the list...done!!!!

Each time you purchase an item on your list, cross it off. There is no better feeling or sense of accomplishment than when you can cross something off your list.
Gives you peace of mind and again, you are ahead of the game!!!

This concludes Lesson 1 of Thanksgiving Planning! As the day gets closer, I will give you the next steps..kind of like Mission Impossible but I promise your computer will not self destruct after reading!!!!

Good Luck! Feel free to ask for help, I am here!!!


P.S. In the interest of full disclosure..Doris eats canned pumpkin every day, when he is not eating pea soup or an everything bagel!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Doris and the Pea Soup

My insane cat Doris, loves Shari's Pea Soup....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Poach An Egg

For breakfast today I had two poached eggs with grain toast, some leftover mozzarella cheese and avocado that I chopped up and drizzled with olive oil and coffee.

Now, before this blog becomes a diatribe on the mundane aspects of my life...the poached eggs really got me thinking.

With the wave of food related competition shows, hmm, Chopped comes to mind, I see so many Chefs putting poached or sunny side up on top of any variety of food items.

I don't ever remember my mom topping any of our food, not connected to breakfast, with an egg.

Yet, it is a lovely addition to many things and a poached egg could not be any simpler,or easy to make. It is a healthy alternative to frying, cost effective and only take minutes to make.

Wouldn't it be great to make Eggs Benedict at home, even if you use a packaged sauce, the poached egg is what makes it.

Don't feel like making a soft boiled egg, too hot to handle and those pesky shells? I say Poach An Egg!!! (even though I and my siblings all ate my Mom's delicious soft boiled eggs when we were little and under the weather)

There are 3 ingredients:

White Vinegar

Boil the water with about 1 1/2 Tlb. white vinegar.
Crack eggs into small dish with a low lip, gently drop each into boiling water.
One and a half minutes or so, will produce a lovely white cloud with a runny yellow secret inside!

If you prefer a well done egg, two and a half minutes or so will do.
Cook times vary for egg size and diner taste.
If it is your first time, try a few out at different cook times and see which you prefer.

Poached eggs on wheat toast with a side of crispy lettuce and tomato and a light balsamic dressing is really great for breakfast, lunch or dinner!
They can be served with coffee for breakfast, iced tea for lunch and a lovely glass of wine for dinner.

Keep in mind people, I can't be that healthy all of the time, usually I will butter the toast..!!!

For a quick meal, secret ingredient or Sunday Brunch....Poach an Egg

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Here's The Final Result

So, I decided to go with the Italian Sausage and Ground Turkey Bolognese.

I found the following in fridge and cupboard's:

Ground turkey
Italian Sausage
Green Peppers (from the plant on the deck)
Red Apple (1/2 of one)
Italian Frying Pepper (that has seen better days..cut around the gunk people)
Green Martini Olives (wish I had vodka to put these to even better use)
Chicken Broth
Crushed Tomatoes
Bacon Fat (reserved from days gone by that never goes bad)

Sauteed the sausage and ground turkey in some bacon grease and olive oil. Removed them from the pot and added my diced vegetables and the rest of the kitchen sink!
Cooked those down to soft, added the meat, some chicken broth (the crushed tomatoes are pretty thick and the stock helps loosen the sauce a bit) and the tomatoes.

Along with some dry basil, dry peppeoncini and salt and pepper and now it is simmering away, the Eagles are killing the Giants and I am ready to read my book.

Do the won't be sorry!!!

Something From Nothing

O.K. people, it is Sunday and time to COOK!!!!

So many times we look in our cupboards or fridge and say "I have nothing to eat" and go buy new supplies.
But, I am here to tell you there are a few meals hiding there and you need go no further than your kitchen!!!

I am going to go see what I have in my cabinets and fridge and what I need and hopefully, make something from "nothing". Here's how to do it...

My fridge:

Ground turkey, Italian sausage, eggs, 1/2 of an apple, chicken stock, celery, carrots, 1 sweet onion, canned pumpkin (Doris need not know about me using his food) and 1/2 of a loaf of whole grain bread and of course garlic!


2 cans diced tomatoes, egg noodles, pasta noodles, cornmeal, Spanish Rice and peanut butter. (hey you never know..)

And, I have a pepper plant on my deck that has a few green peppers waiting to come in from the cold.

So, here's how it works... I can make several things from the above ingredients and hopefully you will see that you can do the same at your house.
This is kind of like getting a big word and seeing how many other words you can make out of it!
Here we go...

-Sausage and Peppers and Onions with Tomato Sauce, for this you can buy a good loaf of Italian Bread and make sandwiches.

-Turkey and Sausage Meat Sauce with Pasta or Creamy Polenta (made out of the cornmeal).

-Turkey Meatballs made with eggs and bread chopped fine and a quick marinara sauce.

-Roasted Peppers to use for a later date.

-Turkey Meatloaf made with celery, carrots, bread cubes and eggs and just for fun, dice up the apple. It can be served with buttered egg noodles and a quick sauce made with canned tomatoes and green peppers from the deck.

-Turkey and Sausage Noodle Soup with C/C/O (celery, carrot, onion,my Rachel Ray nod to EVOO), chicken broth and egg noodles...

These are just a few ideas, and who knows what other combination's are within those ingredients. The idea is to throw what you have in a pot, or take an hour, prep the meat sauce or meat loaf, go buy some bread and have everything ready before the Eagles/Giants game!!!

Take the rest of the day to read a book, do some laundry, have a beer and watch the game...see cooking can be easy and fun!!!

Use what you have, it doesn't take fancy ingredients to make a delicious meal.
Send me a message for any recipes you might like to have!!!
