Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day....


I am working for a company called Heathland Hospitality Group. They have several kinds of accounts that they manage and I am helping out at the one in Maryland. The Chester River Yacht and Country Club, no less!!! I am running the kitchen with the Chef/Club Manager and trying to find someone to take my place.

I am happier than I have been in years! It all happened within a few days and my neighbor has been blessedly feeding Doris while I am away.
The kitchen is full of young kids, from all walks of life, who want to learn, need to learn and are learning, from me. It is so great after all of these years to get to mold some young cooks. And, as we are in the South, they call me Miss Barbara and are respectful, hardworking and a genuine pleasure to be around!!!

I am lucky to get my hands on a kitchen like this, do my thing and move on, within the company, to wherever they need me next.

I am going to be on The 10! Show on Wed., March 24th at 11. I will think about my dish after I get through St. Patrick's Day buffet! Haven't made a good Corned Beef and Cabbage since I worked at McAleer's Irish Pub in Manhattan...ah..the beginning of my professional career..and now, all these years later, I'm back to Corned Beef and Cabbage...fitting somehow.

Happy St. Patrick's Day and ...

Happy Birthday Mrs. Hunt. I miss you and think about you all of the time.