Sunday, November 1, 2009

Something From Nothing

O.K. people, it is Sunday and time to COOK!!!!

So many times we look in our cupboards or fridge and say "I have nothing to eat" and go buy new supplies.
But, I am here to tell you there are a few meals hiding there and you need go no further than your kitchen!!!

I am going to go see what I have in my cabinets and fridge and what I need and hopefully, make something from "nothing". Here's how to do it...

My fridge:

Ground turkey, Italian sausage, eggs, 1/2 of an apple, chicken stock, celery, carrots, 1 sweet onion, canned pumpkin (Doris need not know about me using his food) and 1/2 of a loaf of whole grain bread and of course garlic!


2 cans diced tomatoes, egg noodles, pasta noodles, cornmeal, Spanish Rice and peanut butter. (hey you never know..)

And, I have a pepper plant on my deck that has a few green peppers waiting to come in from the cold.

So, here's how it works... I can make several things from the above ingredients and hopefully you will see that you can do the same at your house.
This is kind of like getting a big word and seeing how many other words you can make out of it!
Here we go...

-Sausage and Peppers and Onions with Tomato Sauce, for this you can buy a good loaf of Italian Bread and make sandwiches.

-Turkey and Sausage Meat Sauce with Pasta or Creamy Polenta (made out of the cornmeal).

-Turkey Meatballs made with eggs and bread chopped fine and a quick marinara sauce.

-Roasted Peppers to use for a later date.

-Turkey Meatloaf made with celery, carrots, bread cubes and eggs and just for fun, dice up the apple. It can be served with buttered egg noodles and a quick sauce made with canned tomatoes and green peppers from the deck.

-Turkey and Sausage Noodle Soup with C/C/O (celery, carrot, onion,my Rachel Ray nod to EVOO), chicken broth and egg noodles...

These are just a few ideas, and who knows what other combination's are within those ingredients. The idea is to throw what you have in a pot, or take an hour, prep the meat sauce or meat loaf, go buy some bread and have everything ready before the Eagles/Giants game!!!

Take the rest of the day to read a book, do some laundry, have a beer and watch the game...see cooking can be easy and fun!!!

Use what you have, it doesn't take fancy ingredients to make a delicious meal.
Send me a message for any recipes you might like to have!!!


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